samedi, septembre 22, 2018

Salvation Army 1, 22.09.18,, anti-white racism, complaint


Paris, Monday, September 10, 2018

Complaint against x for racism, refusal of assistance to person in danger, refusal to comply with the public purpose of his business, refusal of food, association of criminals, calculation and premeditation.

Part 1: The incriminated facts

1) – Presentation
Marc SALOMONE, born 01.12.1950, age 68, retired since March 1st 2013, 959 euros per month.

2) - The medical facts
On February 9, 2018, my left ankle broke on the Cours de Vincennes, 75020, in snowy weather.
I am taken by the firefighters to the hospital Saint-Antoine who transfers me.
From 09.02,18 to 12.03.18, I am at the European Hospital Aubervilliers, 93308.
From 12,03,18 to 25,05,18, I am at the Clinique du Canal de l'Ourcq, 75019.

I now have an ankle held by a brooch and screws. This fact is crucial for the "racist" motive of the complaint. From now on, I have a cane. I'm disabled.

3) - The facts of food
When leaving the hospital:
a- I will eat first at the municipal canteen. Too expensive, I stop.
b- I make parcels at the Red Cross, 75014.
c- I go in the evening, from Tuesday to Friday, at the Evangelists' house, at Belleville, rue Sainte Marthe, 75010.
d- Saturday, Sunday, Monday, I go to the Salvation Army, Republic, 75010.
e- I eat at home what I can.

Among the evangelists, entries are made on ticket. This reduces the pressure at the time of entry. I arrive 30 minutes in advance to be able to put my left foot on the march of the entry and not to risk to make me crush the ankle in the jostling.

In ordinary times, from Saturday to Monday, the Salvation Army canteen is the only evening meal I have.

At this moment, since September 3, the evangelists have closed. So I have only the Salvation Army to feed me daily.

The Heart Restaurant has become too dangerous.

4) - The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army is in the premises of the former Chamber of Commerce, rue Léon Jouhaux, 75010, Metro Republic.

There you are sorted in a large ground floor hall and then went through a few narrow steps to get to the huge canteen room.

There are three files:
a- On the left, women (30 persons), minors (3 persons), handicapped recognized such (idem).
b- In the background, on the right, adult men (150 people)
c- Against the entrance window, on the right, men of less than thirty Middle Eastern, African, etc. (150 people)
The numbers are estimates.

The three guards bring in batches of thirty people each file in turn.

The pressure of the crowd, shoving, low-noise violence, are the rule of operation of these files.
When the guards approach the line to count it tightens, because everyone wants to be of the lot.

These are the rules of all crowds.

As early as June, the guards unwillingly let me take the line of women where I risk nothing: "go in your queue."

I held a moment on one foot and my cane not to be crushed my ankle operated.

On the advice of several participants, I decided to stop the masochistic servility.

5) - August 20th
Monday, August 20, in the canteen, I approach a man of the Salvation Army in the canteen; a thirty-something.
I ask him if he is the Director.
He answers me yes.
I told him that I had the broken ankle, that I am in danger in the line of men, that I have the medical file with me, that I ask to go in the queue of women.
He answers me that indeed the problem arises.

He says the Salvation Army will be doing a commission soon to look into the problem. This is complicated because all applicants want to pretend to be disabled.

He refuses to look at my medical records or to call a guard who is three meters away.

6) - August 22
On Wednesday, August 22, 2018, I go to the headquarters of the Salvation Army, 60 Rue des Frères Flavien, 75020 Paris, tel. : +33 (0) 1 43 62 25 00, with my four month medical record of hospitalization, from February 9th to May 25th.

At headquarters, the public is received in a large hall. The leaders are upstairs and are contacted by phone by the reception service.

I expose my problem to the reception.

I ask the right to take the left lane, with women, minors, recognized handicapped.

The reason for this request is that:
a- I risk having my ankle broken again if I get hit in the crush. These shots happened several times.
b- If the ankle is broken again, the leg is lost.

The ad hoc leader refuses to receive me on the pretext that she is busy.

It is through the switchboard operator that she speaks to me by making her know her orders.

The attendant is told to tell me that I must see this with the guards and the Director.

The fact that I have answered that the steps requested by the Headquarters Department have already been made do not change anything.

As in the case of the Samu of Strasbourg, I am treated of profiteer (I want a pass-right), of incapable (I am incapable to ask the guards), of liar (I lie when I say that I already have asked the Director and the guards).

I have five years of street and twenty-five years of poverty, I am used to this hateful and contemptuous discrimination.

I have to leave again or face provocation. All the poor know this administrative technique.

7) - August 23
Thursday, August 23, 2018, I go to rue Léon Jouhaux, place of restoration.

I have been there as little as possible since I left hospital. But, it is the only center open all week and taking all comers.

I brought my medical file and I ask to see the officials.

I am immediately treated like cattle to be sown in his pen. I am hugged.

The three permanent guardians formally refuse me any access out of the queue of adult men that puts me in danger.

By dint of opening and closing the barriers, they really feel like dealing with livestock.

Their usual argument, as well as that of the Director, is that all applicants cheat.

8) - The racist event
This Thursday, August 23rd, there is an event that changes all the reading that we can have this refusal.

What was only a refusal of assistance to a person in danger becomes a crime of racism.

1- the facts
I hear a guard who informs his colleagues of his conversation with a young person.

They speak freely among themselves in front of me; because in their eyes a poor man is nothing and his word is worthless.

The point is simple: this young man has a broken ankle, a brooch and screws. According to the guards, it is obvious that he can not go in the usual line.

The reason is explicitly the impossibility for the guards to agree to make him run the risk that his ankle would be broken again in constant, ordinary jostling.

They approve of their colleague for telling him to wait until the moment when his line, that of the "young", will be invited to go up to the canteen by opening the barrier.

2- recognition
But now, they have been caught in flagrant understanding of the facts, to admit them on parole (because this young person has no medical records) and to get the disabled out of the queue.

They recognize that they act selectively but consciously and in a meeting.

3- the difference
I say loudly that I have exactly the same thing as him.
The only difference between this young man and me is that he is an Arab and I am a Frenchman.
b- They are caught on the basis of racial discrimination in the treatment of two identical cases.

4- Cunning avoidance
To avoid the scandal, after consultation with his colleagues, the chief of the guardians crosses the hall to come to me and told me then to go to the stairs of the canteen where thirty adults have just rushed.

They do not accede to my request to join the women's group. He repeats exactly the device that the guards discussed about the youngster.

I'm trying to argue with him for the sustainability of the agreement.
a- The boss yells me to go up.
b- The second guard, at the top of the steps, previously refused me the change of line. As I ask him to make the decision permanent, he tells me "tomorrow we may all be dead".
c- Impossible to obtain the perpetuation of the decision.
The only motive is the cunning avoidance of the legal qualification of these racist facts.

This episode indicates that they know very precisely the scope of what they did.

9) - August 25
On Saturday, August 25, I go to the site with my medical file.

I sit in the queue of women. I went smoothly.
In the queue of women, a man about 70 years old, my age, tells me that I will be fired by the guards.
I ask him what he has: "I am broken everywhere". Nothing indicates it.
He is Arab.
The guards let me do it.
I think the decision of Thursday 23rd is final. The sequel will show that it is just a way to make it forget.
This trick is one more element that indicates that there has been consultation.

10) - August 26th
On Sunday, August 26, I go back to the site, with the medical file.

I did not eat anything of the day. It is the only open center.
a- Like the day before, I take the left file, that of women.
b- The guardian of the door, the third, the one who reported to his colleagues his decision with regard to the young, comes to see me, by tutting me, in a tone of guard-speaking to a convict, he joign "Take your file".
c- I tell him that the case was discussed Thursday. He answers me "take your file".
d- I tell him that I have my medical file on me: "take your file".
e- I tell him that his way of discriminating is racism because he distinguishes the French and the Arabs for the same subject.
He answers me with a finger of honor.
g- I tell him that I will lodge a complaint for racism and endangering others.
h- He answers me: "as for doors complaint, do not forget to add them that". He remade a finger that he shows coming and going in the body.
He is so sure of himself, of his impunity, that he sends this message to the court.
I have to leave under pain of provocation.
k- I tell him on leaving that he is a bastard.
I did not eat that day.

11) - The impossibility of returning
These people are assured of their full power.

The baseness of the Salvation Army's civilian cadres to them is based on a concentration of concentration on the poor.

As long as the guards keep the cattle in order, the rest is their business.

For anyone who knows the local situation, there is now a new problem: even if I return to the site in contradiction with the guards, I run the risk of being attacked in the street, further.

For the police it will be a fight between homeless.

Which means :
a- It goes without saying that guards who have the rank of "dedicated persons" for the police are not involved.
b- The attackers, unfortunately, will never be found.

12) - Balance sheet

1- Racism
Racism is characterized.
For an identical question, the treatment of a person operated similarly to the ankle, the answer is different according to whether one is French, or white, and the other Arabic.

It is the same :
a- When an Arab person declares himself "broken everywhere" without a medical file. She is taken into consideration and goes in the queue of women.
b- On the other hand, the guards extract Mr. Salomone from this line, while he is carrying his medical file and neither the Director nor the guards want to see him.
c. In all cases of figures, the only reason for this difference is that some are Arab and the other French.

2- Voluntarism
This racism makes it impossible to think that the guards' obstinacy in placing Mr. Salomone in a line that they recognize as dangerous and inadmissible when dealing with an Arab would be a mistake.

It is a voluntary endangerment, because of its race, of a disabled person and placed in fact under the authority of the decision makers.

3- Criminal conspiracy, calculations and premeditation.
The guards take turns to pass their decision for individual while it is collective.
They organize the preservation of the racial segregation on which their management rests.
They premeditate their decision, the last of which takes on the appearance of a racist revenge.

4- Refusal to comply with the public purpose of his profession,
These people are not paid to keep livestock.

The Salvation Army benefits from public buildings and surely state subsidies to guarantee a meal to those who do not have.
She has a public service mission.
The guards are therefore paid by the State Treasury and work in premises granted by the State for this purpose.
When they impose their racism, they do other work than the one for which they are paid.

5- Refusal of food,
They prevent a hungry person from eating. It sounds stupid but they are paid to ensure otherwise.

6- The insult
a- The fact of responding to arguments with a finger imitating penetration and denying a person the usefulness of his complaint, to repeat the finger of honor towards the magistrates, constitutes an insult to a person in a position of weakness and representatives absent from the public authorities.
b- I add professional misconduct such as familiarity and contempt.

Part 2- Responsibilities
The Salvation Army and its leadership are fully and judicially accountable.

The National or Field Departments do not want to receive the poor or feed them.

The Salvation Army has built a concentration-type relationship between them. She maintains with them a report of colonial plantation management or camp with his kapos.

We do not look at the actions of those who ensure order.

I did not go to the Dominion Command to contradict the guards. I went there for the Direction to give the guards orders that allow them to comply with decisions without contradicting their own action.

At no time in my approach have I questioned the exercise of the guardians' authority.

But for the poor, Salvation Army leaders do not even discuss the possibility of giving the guardians of orders to change their practices.

It never contradicts them in front of the assisted persons who are the individuals of an indistinct group.
a- It does not recognize beneficiaries as people but as a mass to feed.
b- The law and human rights appear only in the form of the scandal to be avoided.
c- It has a purely livestock concept of beneficiaries and their circulation in the establishment.
d- This mass is placed under the exclusive authority of the caste of the guardians who are all powerful as long as they do not leave their general functions.
e- If an individual of the mass disputes the exercise of the authority of the guards he is sent back by the Direction to the only discussion with them.
f- The beneficiaries are at the discretion of the guards.

g- The only personal manifestation of the beneficiaries is to leave. This is what differentiates them statutarily from convicts.

Guards are therefore referred to as the exclusive spokespersons of the Directorate by the National and Local Directorates themselves.

They are the official representatives of the Directorate. They will never be contradicted by management. In doing so, they engage him fully.

It is enough to see the obedience of the local director in their regard to understand their feeling of impunity.

The national leadership rests and unloads on them.

This is the reason for the finger of honor of this guard addressed to the magistrates. They are convinced of their impunity.

The guards were placed by the management as its exclusive representatives. Their faults are those of the Direction.

The Salvation Army must therefore assume the consequences, good or bad, of its operating system.

These people can organize themselves from top to bottom of a publicly funded structure because it goes without saying that the poor are subhuman and that they will be treated like this by the magistrates.

The hatred of the poor and the affirmation of their social downgrading is self-evident. It adds to racism.

The Salvation Army is therefore with the guards criminally and civilly involved.


1) - The request:
1- That the facts are recognized, the faults qualified and that justice appreciates.
2- That I am compensated.
Indeed, besides the fraud of racism, exclusion, etc., I suffered the twists of not being able to eat at the Salvation Army, except to put my life on the line.
With regard to the charities, I live in the jurisprudence of another right than that of the Civil Code.
3- I ask that the decisions of the judges are not for the Salvation Army and its people the opportunity to savor their all power; by derisory compensation for example.
4- This is done with the moneys of the state and under the guise of his delegation of authority.
5- This case will be known and a case law will be established quickly in the landernau charity. 6- It will be either that of the magistrates or that of the communautarists.

2) - The lawyer
Whether through my legal insurance AXA or Legal Aid, it is necessary that the prosecutor agrees to open an information for me to have a lawyer.

It would be surprising that the misery that led me to bear this racist aggression is the reason for the prohibition that would be made to assert my rights by a professional freely chosen.


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