samedi, juin 08, 2019

08.06.19, lcp, Nazism, goebbels, media, trivialization of crime

Blog: / Book: The two forms, ed. Amazon

Paris, Saturday, June 8, 2019

The Dday and Magda Goebbels

Presidents of Parliament,
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Chairmen of the parliamentary groups,

For the French media, the week must have seemed overloaded with homage to the Allies, the Resistance, as well as English ceremonies for the birthday of Queen Elizabeth, herself too marked by her fight against the Third Reich.

So it is probably for the sake of moderation of this extremism dangerous to public health that LCP is spending this Saturday, June 8 a documentary on "Magda Goebbels, the real first lady of the Reich".

A kind of Michèle Obama or a model for Brigitte Macron.

It is now an ardent obligation for French channels, public or private, to participate in a resettlement of the facts and actions of Nazism in the ordinary public imagination.

This media policy of Hitlerite filiation concerns the Presidents of the Parliament and the Groups that constitute it.

Thanking you for your attention and waiting to read you,

Please accept, the Presidents of Parliament and MM. The Chairmen of the parliamentary groups, the assurances of my best regards,


PS: The previous question about the same fault.

Marc Salomone / 122 bis boulevard Davout / 75020 Paris
(0033) / /
Blog: / Book: The two forms, ed. Amazon

Paris, Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Hitlerization of the French public and university debate

Presidents of Parliament,
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Chairmen of the parliamentary groups,

For reasons that I do not know but whose factual transcription is obvious, it was decided somewhere to organize for the holidays an anti-Soviet ideological offensive clearly to the glory of tsarist slavery. cf. The 5th Saturday and Arte Sunday.

I am speaking to you because The Parliamentary Channel (LCP) joins this offensive.

This ideological struggle becomes the ordinary of scholarly ideology.

It is probably not by chance that in Grenoble, at the same time, the Museum of Deportation and Resistance organized an exhibition on the Gulag specifying that it lasted until the defeat of the USSR in 1992.

The identification of the USSR to Nazi Germany and of Stalin to Hitler conditioned the restoration of the Hitlerite sector as a legitimate historical passage for European politics.

On December 25, Christmas Day, TMC, spearheading the ideological relocation of Hitler, spends an entire evening in Fatima.
a- We are no longer even in the appearance of a parallelism between Nazism and communism.
b- The Soviet Union, communism, atheism, are decreed as the only enemies of the world in the 20th century.
c- It is the return of the ideological pact between the Catholic Church and all the slave fascisms and dictatorships of the 20th century.
Public discourse returns to the most delusional obscurantism.

With regard to Hitler's so-called atheism, this:
He becomes Chancellor on January 31, 1933.

February 1: "May God Almighty take our work in his grace."
Daily Express, February 28, 1933: It is a sign of God. No one will stop us from exterminating the Communists with an iron fist ... you are witnessing a great era in German history that begins with this fire. "

At the same time, the essayist Daniel Schneidermann publishes a book "Berlin 1933". The sole purpose of this book is to trivialize the hunt for Communists and to reduce Hitler's crime of hunting Jews.
a- He asks the question: Why did not the 200 "free" journalists present in Berlin alert the world to the madness and barbarity of Hitlerism, yet perceptible from the beginning?
He gives the answer: Because they only saw the hunt for Communists as a good thing and they did not see the hunt for Jews as a bad thing.

This abject negationist manipulation is also irrefutable because it would also require a discussion of each line of this delusion.
The theme is now installed: fascism was a good thing since he did not worry the Jews:
a- As long as Hitler exterminated the Soviet peoples, he was right.
b- Non-anti-Semitic fascisms are just.
This is the reason why the Italian Jewish bourgeoisie subsidized the March to the Power of Mussolini.
d- Like their German counterparts, the high-profile Jewish capitalists supported and financed the Nazi Party.

The hypertrophy of the characterization of anti-Semitism as a major goal of Nazism and the genocide of the Jews as a decisive qualification for the criminality of Hitler's Germany has become the unbearable exploitation of a primary truth.

This is what the former Prime Minister Pierre Messmer, General of the Legion, a paratrooper officer during the landing had insurgent, in the 1980s.

He had warily recalled that the war fighters did not recognize themselves in reducing German crime to the genocide of the Jews.

This exploitation of German concentration camp crime, by the choice of deportees to venerate and others to forget, in favor of particular dominating interests has become unbearable.

1- Hitler's main purpose and function was not to attack the Jews.
During his tour of January 1932, when Hitler achieved his "breakthrough" in these circles, he proposed to his interlocutors an authoritarian government, which would reduce to the mercy of the Communists and would require "a large vital space with a large internal market and the protection of the external economy thanks to the concentration of German power ".
Invited by Thyssen to the Dusseldorf Club, January 27, 1932, in front of three hundred business leaders, he said in essence: I take charge of politics, you economy.
On October 30, 1932, at the Bond Club Luncheon in New York, Siemens states:
"The main goal of the NSDAP is the fight against socialism and its logical end communism ... It is an ideological bulwark against materialistic tendencies. "
He opposes the legalism of the Nazis to the revolutionary communist threat.

2- Hitler was not installed by German electoral democracy.
1- He has precisely lost the elections.
In the November 1932 general election, the Nazi party lost two million routes.

2- This defeat has closed the path of power.
a- A wise comment
Leon Blum, the first leader of the Socialist Party and the Jewish claimed in the Popular, November 8, 1932:
"Social democracy had Hitler.
Hitler is now out of power. It is even excluded, if I may say so, from the hope of power. "
November 9th:
"The defeat of Hitler is the victory of the SPD ... Hitler can not get closer to the center, especially the Barons. "
b- The facts
The Nazi party was on the verge of bankruptcy and implosion.

3- The reasons for taking power
It is precisely because Hitler is defeated that the economic leaders organize his arrival in power.

Shortly after this defeat, the banker Schacht launches with the Financial Capital a petition in the form of Address to Hindenburg, President of the Republic.

So :
a- On the one hand, Hitler is not a product of democracy and the popular classes but a product of the factious action of the ruling classes.
On the other hand, the torments of the Jews are not the primary aim of Nazism but the effect of the application of its primary concerns.

Hitler wants to establish the complete dictatorship of capital, to eliminate everything that hinders it.
As such, he wants to sweep away communism.
But he wants to create "a large living space with a large internal market and the protection of the external economy through the concentration of German power."

As such:
a- Antisemitism allows him to unify the entire administration without upsetting the lives of German bureaucrats.
As one removes a plate from a pile without dropping it.
b- He goes to war to unify the large internal market in the European "living space".

The history of Germany after 1945 is largely organized by the success of this program.

One sentence suffices to sum up the whole operation: "The countries of the East liberated by the Nazis are immediately occupied by the Soviets". All is said.
The identification of Nazi Germany with "liberation" rests here on a play of words cleverly organized, calculated, placed, said.

It is exactly in the name of this political ideology that the Charlemagne Division went to fight on the front, that Doriot and Laval mobilized for a Europe free from communism and the Soviet Union, that Petain was ambassador in Spain of Franco and that he overthrew the Republic.

The SS division Das Reich who destroyed Oradour-sur-Glane said they had not deserted because they could only join the Resistance that was in the hands of the "red" face to which the Waffen-SS was a pledge of freedom ; as this documentary says.

If you want to consult a scholarly work on Stalin's action during the Second World War, before, during, and after, I recommend the book of Anglo-Saxon scholar Geoffrey Roberts: The Wars of Stalin, ed. Delga.

Anti-Sovietism is a factual obligation for a career today.

Nevertheless, LCP arrogates the right to bear the name of the Parliament and therefore of France.

The least thing would be to not accept that the fascists of Vichy and Hitlerite descent occupy the place and tell the story.

I remember that :
1- It is thanks to the 27 million deaths and victories of the Red Army that French Jews still exist.
2- Even those who believe that freedom has been guaranteed by the US Army must recognize that without the victories of Stalingrad and Kursk, the Americans would never have landed.
4- It was Stalin who guaranteed the integrity of the French and German territories that the American government wanted to dismember.
Example: Alfred Grosser: "President Truman arrived in Potsdam with a project of dismemberment which envisaged the constitution of a southern state including Austria, Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden and Hungary with Vienna as capital".
5. The Soviet Government played a decisive role in establishing that the victory over Germany was a victory of Democracy over fascism and not a simple victory of nations over others; as was the war of 14-18.
3- It is because Stalin recognized De Gaulle's government that France, destroyed by military defeat and collaboration, was able to be present at the surrender of Germany and the collegiate leadership of this defeated country.

It is precisely this participation of France in Victory as a victorious and fighting nation that seeks to delegitimize, disqualify, and ultimately cancel, the academics who have committed this documentary.

To disqualify France, several historians have come in these broadcasts to explain that De Gaulle and his government were the clever continuation of Vichy designed to sneak into the victory of the allies.

De Gaulle does not continue the Republic. He succeeds Petain to hide the crime of France and its place in the camp of the vanquished. It would be the last Nazi country not to recognize it.

In the course of the dishonest documentaries that accumulate, De Gaulle is transformed into a cantankerous rock-star whose vanity was useful for the political swindle of the century that was the participation of France in the discussions of the winners.

The most naive of the viewers remarks that this propaganda leads on the one hand to the rehabilitation of Hitler's Germany, to the restoration of its historical legitimacy, and on the other hand to the disqualification of the program of the CNR, known as the Liberation, and the withdrawal of France from the United Nations Security Council, where it sits precisely as Hitler's victor.

There is no need to be learned to understand that the development of this ideological offensive would have institutional and political consequences in France.

As Presidents of Parliament and Presidents of Parliamentary Groups, you must have responsibilities in the European struggle of Democracy and Nazism and between De Gaulle and Petain, between Free France and the Vichy traitors; especially when it goes through a television channel that claims Parliament.

The French should be able to spend the eve without being dirty when they learn that Nazi Germany has liberated Europe or that De Gaulle is a vain clown.

Thanking you for your attention,

Please accept, the Presidents of Parliament and MM. The Chairmen of the parliamentary groups, the assurances of my best regards,


Document ;
When Hitler came to power in January 1933, there were some 200 Western journalists stationed in Berlin. Very few of them will be expelled. Most will stay in the capital of the Reich.
Americans, British, French, all good connoisseurs of Germany and often Germanophiles, they work according to the democratic standards of the freedom of the press. But their daily interlocutors are called Goering or Goebbels. As the persecution of Jews and opponents around them soon collapses, they fight to get a confidence off the record or the favor of an interview with the dictator.
Why did not they alert the world to the madness and barbarity of Hitlerism, yet perceptible from the beginning? The visceral anti-communism of their employers, an air of time that trivializes dictatorships, the amazement at the unprecedented enormity of what their eyes see, and a thousand other causes: everything is combined to produce a collective media blindness that will open the door. way, from 1941, to the planetary denial of the Shoah.
Here, based on a considerable amount of work, is the fascinating chronicle of the daily life of Western journalists stationed in Berlin from 1933 to 1941. A story haunted from start to finish by this question: are we certain to be better armed today? to account for extraordinary disasters, to name Evil?
Daniel Schneidermann is a journalist, creator and host of the show, then of the site, "Stop on Images". He is also the author of several essays, novels, and stories.

Lcp, the mainland, 25,12,18, greven

Nuremberg, p55
P17, zentrum
oath p31
wealth pa49

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